Worker Profile Learn about real people in real clean energy jobs throughout the Midwest.

Emily Rice

Emily is responsible for managing day-to-day operations; from balancing workloads to systematizing new opportunities.

Emily Rice is the Business Development Director for The Energy Group (TEG). TEG is a locally-owned consulting firm specializing in energy management solutions. Emily took a job at TEG after graduating from the University of Iowa with a degree in Chemical Engineering and a focus in Sustainability in Business 9 years ago; she entered her current role in 2013.

TEG provides sound, energy management solutions to owners and operators by designing and delivering energy efficiency programs on behalf of utilities or large customers, helping to optimize a building’s performance before it’s built, or by partnering with consumers to evaluate their existing properties, making cost-effective recommendations to lower energy use and cost.

Emily is responsible for managing day-to-day operations; from balancing workloads to systematizing new opportunities. She translates customers’ issues into actionable steps for her team. She also develops marketing materials, hires staff, fosters customer relationships and is constantly evaluating the company’s processes and deliverables. She picked up her solving problem skills from her Engineering degree, her work ethic from her parents, industry knowledge from her colleagues, and the rest she’s learned on the job.

The energy efficiency services companies like The Energy Group provide are critical. Approximately 40% of US energy consumption operates residential and commercial buildings, – lowering that consumption mitigates the costs for new generation and transmission. Ultimately energy efficiency helps to maintain affordable energy costs and helps businesses and consumers free up dollars to be spent elsewhere.

“Clean energy advancement and economic growth are not mutually exclusive. We should be doubling down on Energy efficiency because it saves money for customers, creates jobs and spurs economic development,” said Emily.

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