Worker Profile Learn about real people in real clean energy jobs throughout the Midwest.

Emma Hayali

Emma works on the production line at FLO where they are building some of the most reliable EV chargers on the market. 

Emma uses her experience and training as an engineer to help identify problems with the product before it leaves the facility’s doors. She helps verify the quality of the manufactured items and make sure production is running mostly and efficiently so the plant produces at the scale it’s supposed to. 

Emma received two years of hands-on training through a technical program at her high school. She’s still young, and feels she’ll learn a lot on the job and be able to take on bigger jobs as she advances in her career.

Before getting hired at FLO, Emma was a robotic engineer and then junior engineer at an automation company. She’s only been at FLO for less than a year, but she finds the work to be very rewarding. For Emma, it’s important to be in an industry that will help bring about a better future and EV chargers are helping bring clean energy for generations to come.

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